
Chapter 1: General Provisions
Article 1: (Purpose)

This stipulates the Internet Educational Services of "edu.cufs.ac.kr" (hereafter referred to as "Services") and its conditions, procedures, responsibilities, and rights and duties which are provided by the Long-Distance Organization For Lifelong Education of Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (hereafter referred to as "the Organization".)

Article 2: (Definition of Terms)
  1. Definition of Terms used in Provisions.
    1. The term "Learner" denotes anyone who signs in and receives a "User ID" through the process that the Organization approves.
    2. "User ID" refers to the combination of the codes chosen by the Learner for using the services. Each ID must be approved by the Organization for distinguishing the users.
    3. "Password" refers to the combination of the codes chosen by the Learner for confirming the user ID and protecting the learner's rights.
  2. The definitions of terms in this article are made according to the related regulations, general practices and the service Manual of the Organization.
Article 3: (Applicable Ranges)
  1. This article is applied in conjunction with the Service Manual (hereafter referred to as "Manual") which the Organization provides.
  2. Anything unspecified in the following provisions is covered by the related regulations and the Manual.
Chapter 2: User Contracts
Article 4: (Services Provided)

The range of services and their contents follow the regulations in the Manual.

Article 5: (Approval of User Contracts)
  1. The user contract is approved when the client agrees to regulations and signs up through the application form (member sign-up) on the Organization's website.
  2. Every user needs to sign up for an ID for using the service.
  3. According to Article 5 Section 1, when users sign up they must fill out the information requested on the website
  4. The approval of the user contract may be postponed or denied if:
    1. user impersonates another person by username
    2. user enters another person's social security number or identification number
    3. the purpose of the application is unethical or dubious
    4. user completes the applications or attached documents falsely
    5. user technically interferes the Organization
    6. any other reason of fault by the user as determined by the Organization
Article 6: (Agreement to the articles)

It is accepted that the user agrees to the articles after the user fills in the application form thoroughly and clicks the "agree" button.

Chapter 3: Contractual Obligations
Article 7: (Obligations of the Organization)
  1. The Organization will not do anything that violates the rules and will offer sustainable and stable services.
  2. The Organization will not divulge users' information without the user's consent. However, if user information is needed for the purpose of official investigations, by demand of State Agencies, or for statistical data, the Organization can offer information judiciously.
  3. The Organization will deal with users' problems or opinions immediately if the problems or opinions are considered to be warranted by the Organization. If issues cannot be dealt with immediately, the Organization will notify the user why there is a delay and when the issue will be addressed.
  4. The Organization should build security systems to protect users' personal information for user safety.
  5. If any kind of errors occur in the system, the Organization will fix them immediately to provide sustainable and stable services. However, in case of natural disasters or emergencies, the system and its services may be temporarily suspended. In this case, the Organization will immediately inform the users about the discontinuance.
Article 8: (Obligations of the users)
  1. Users should submit true information about themselves when signing up. Also, users should update their information in case of change in order to maintain accurate information on the system.
  2. Users should not interfere with public orders by doing any of the following:
    1. acting with criminal intent or performing any act that incites a crime.
    2. acting against public orders or showing immoral behavior.
    3. doing any act that interferes with other's dignity or any antisocial act that puts others at a disadvantage.
    4. using another user's ID or Password.
    5. committing any act that interferes with others' Intellectual Property Rights.
    6. spreading or uploading a computer virus or any malware that destroys or corrupts information and causes errors in the Information and Communication system.
    7. uploading or emailing advertisements, spam email, promotional ads, or chain letters.
    8. spreading information from the service or using any content provided by the Organization commercially without express written permission from the Organization.
    9. Other acts that interfere with regulations.
  3. User has responsibility for his/her personal ID and Password, and if the Password is divulged to others, the user should change it immediately. The user is responsible for the consequences such as usage under false pretenses that might occur because of the negligence of user obligations.
  4. In case of false pretense usage of a user ID, the user should inform the Organization about it.
  5. Users should follow the articles and regulations.
  6. If user violates any sections in the articles, the Organization has the right to terminate the contract or limit user activities and claim for damages
Chapter 4: Service usage
Article 9: (Information offering)

The Organization may offer information that helps users by sending regular mail or emails. The users may unsubscribe to offers by sending an email to the Organization.

Article 10: (Deleting posts)

The Organization has the right to delete posts without notice if they do any of the following:

  1. include libel or defamation of others
  2. spread rumors
  3. interfere with public order and moral behavior
  4. interfere with others' rights, such as Intellectual Property Rights
  5. contain contents that are not in agreement with the service and purpose of the Organization
  6. interfere with a healthy learning environment
  7. interfere in any with regulations.
Article 11: (Hours of usage)
  1. The service hours are 24 hours per day barring no technical problems. There will be advance notice given if there is a periodic inspection that will temporarily impede service.
  2. The Organization may set different hours for specific services.
Article 12: (Termination of service)
  1. The Organization may terminate service in the following cases:
    1. in case of renovation or expansion of the servers.
    2. if the authorities demand termination of the telecommunication service as prescribed by the Electronic Communication Fundamental Law.
    3. in case of other irresistible forces.
  2. Excluding cases of irresistible forces like natural disasters or national emergencies, the Organization should inform the users before terminating the service.
Chapter 5: Termination of Contract and Limitation of usage
Article 13: (Termination of Contract and Limitation of usage)
  1. When the user wants to terminate the contract the user should inform the Organization by submitting the appropriate form that includes name, ID, and social security number.
  2. If the user takes any of the following actions, the Organization can exercise the right to limit service usage or terminate the service contract without advance notice:
    1. If the user interrupts service operation intentionally.
    2. If the user spreads contents detrimental to public morals.
    3. If the user pirated another user's ID and/or password illegally.
    4. If the completed information on the form is submitted falsely.
    5. If the user discredits another person's character or uses influence to intimidate or disparage another user.
    6. If the user spreads a computer virus or malware program.
    7. If the user disrupts healthy learning conditions.
    8. If the user violates any laws.
Chapter 6: Protection of privacy
Article 14: (Privacy Agreement)

The Organization will make best efforts to protect not only personal information but also members' financial transactional information which are recorded at sign-up, and it will follow the bylaws regarding the protection of privacy and related legislation.

Chapter 7: Compensation for damages
Article 15: (Compensation for damages)

The organization takes no responsibility for any damage occurs due to user's behavior or actions.

Article 16: (Indemnity)
  1. The organization will not be held liable for damage for usage service data or if the service fails to meet the user's expectation.
  2. The organization renounces all responsibility for service errors caused by the fault of any user.
  3. The organization renounces all responsibility for damage by inevitable natural disaster.
  4. The organization renounces all responsibility for holding or sending data from alliance websites.
  5. The organization renounces all responsibilities for the accuracy and reliability of the data from alliance websites.
Chapter 8 Intellectual property rights
Article 17: (Intellectual property rights)
  1. The organization will not use personal information for commercial purposes without user's agreement, and all users' rights and responsibilities from posted data are implicated by them.
  2. 본원이 지적재산권을 가지고 있는 자료, 서비스, 소프트웨어, 상표 등을 교육원의 서면동의 없이 전부 또는 일부를 수정, 대여, 대출, 배포, 제작, 양도, 재라이센스, 담보권 설정, 상업적 행위 등에 이용하여서는 아니된다.
Chapter 9: Competent court
Article 18: (Competent Court)
  1. If a dispute arises because of service, the court which has jurisdiction over the seat of the origin is the competent court.
  2. Any alliance sites should the agreement of the Organization's site.
Supplementary provisions:

(Enforcement date) This agreement comes into operation on July 1, 2012.

The Intellectual Properties such as the information, service, software, and brand which the Organization has the rights to cannot be amended, rented, produced, distributed, transferred, licensed, or used commercially or used for establishing liens

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