최종 수정일 : 2024-06-19 16:56

2024 Fall Admission

1st round: 2024. 6. 1.(Saturday) - 7. 15.(Monday)

2nd round: 2024. 7. 31.(Wednesday) - 8. 19.(Monday)

Application Period

1st Semester: December ~ February / • 2nd Semester: June ~ August

Admission Process
  • Step 1
    Check the Application Guidelines
  • Step 2
    Complete the Application
  • Step 3
    Pay the Application Fee
  • Step 4
    Complete the Personal Statement
  • Step 5
    Take the Aptitude Test
  • Step 6
    Submit the Required Documents
Category Eligibility
New Students
  • Graduates of Korean or international high schools
  • Individuals legally recognized as having obtained the equivalent of a high school diploma
2nd Year Transfers
  • Graduates (scheduled) from national and international colleges (non-graduates and graduates of colleges with less than two years of academic background are not allowed)
  • Individuals who have completed at least 1 year (2 semesters) of a 4-year university program in Korea and earned at least 35 credits
  • Individuals who have obtained at least 1/4 of the lowest credit required to obtain a degree from a foreign regular 4-year university (or those who have obtained at least 1/3 of the 3-year university)
  • Individuals who have obtained at least 35 credits according to the Act. on Credit Recognition and the Act. on Lifelong Education
3rd Year Transfers
  • Graduates (scheduled) from national and international colleges (non-graduates and graduates of colleges with less than two years of academic background are not allowed)
  • Individuals who have completed at least 2 years (4 semesters) of a 4-year university program in Korea and earned at least 70 credits
  • Individuals who have obtained at least 1/2 of the lowest credit required to obtain a degree from a foreign regular 4-year university (or those who have obtained at least 2/3 of the 3-year university)
  • Individuals who have obtained at least 70 credits according to the Act. on Credit Recognition and the Act. on Lifelong Education
Category Eligibility
General Admission
  • Individuals who satisfy the requirements for general admission
Special Admission Industry commission
  • Individuals currently working in one of the institutions with which CUFS has signed an agreement for commissioned education
  • Civil servants belonging to central administrative agencies, the National Assembly Secretariat, or the Office of Court Administration
Military commission
  • Military personnel as appointed by Article 4 of the 「Military Commission Regulations」 that have been recommended by the Minister of Education
Transfer students
  • Individuals who have obtained a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent level of education

    Graduates with associate degrees will not be considered.

North Korean defectors
  • Registered North Korea defectors who have completed at least 12 years of education, including high school, and are currently residing in Korea
Foreign nationals with foreign national parents
  • Both the individual and their parents are foreign nationals
Students who have completed primary & secondary education overseas
  • Students of foreign countries who have completed the equivalent of 12 years of Korean primary and secondary education (this applies to Korean citizens or citizens of other countries)

    People who have received Korean citizenship through naturalization in accordance with Article 6, Clause 2 of the Korean Nationality Act may be considered

Students with special needs
  • Individuals who qualify for special education in accordance with Article 15 of the Special Education Promotion Law and Article 15, Clause 10 of its enforcement ordinance.
  • Individuals with disabilities (Level 1 - Level 6) in accordance with the regulations in Article 32 of the Welfare Law for Persons, who are registered with the city and/or the borough office.
  • Individuals with registered injuries (registered to the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs) classified as Level 1 - Level 7 in accordance with Article 4 of the Act on the Honorable Treatment and Support of Persons, etc. of Distinguished Services to the State

    The students with special needs category applies only to the students themselves, not to their family members.

Qualified recipients of basic living & lower income families
  • Qualified recipients of basic living and lower income families as classified in accordance with Article 2 of the National Basic Living Security Law
Students from agricultural and fishing villages
  • Individuals that have completed their pre-high school education and lived in areas eligible under the following laws during the period of they attended high school: according to Article 3 of the Local Autonomy Law, individuals in Eups·Myeons (Metropolitan cities, including Eups·Myeons, within the integrated urban and rural districts under jurisdiction), and according to Article 2 of the Act on the Promotion of Education in Island and Remote Areas, individuals on islands or in remote areas
How to Apply
How to Apply
Evaluation Criteria Points Note
Personal Statement 70 points
  • Maximum 1,200 total characters. For detailed evaluation criteria, refer to the Application Guidelines.
Aptitude Test 30 points
  • The Exam must be completed within the allotted time (1 hour) and will be used to assess personality and aptitude.
Application & Tuition Fees
Application & Tuition Fees
Category Amount Note
Admission Fee 99,000 KRW To be paid in full upon admission
Tuition Fee 80,000 KRW per 1 course credit 1,200,000 KRW for 15 credits / 1,440,000 KRW for 18 credits
Category Details
Scholarships Offered by CUFS
  • Employee Scholarship
  • Foreign Employee Scholarship
  • Full-time Homemaker Scholarship
  • Promoting Continued Education Scholarship
  • Top Professionals Scholarship
  • Hope Scholarship
  • Alumni Scholarship
  • Senior Scholarship
  • Disabled Scholarship
  • Global Leader Scholarship
  • Multicultural Scholarship
  • Fostering Global Talent Scholarship
  • Military Family Scholarship
  • Admissions Scholarship
  • Academic Merit Scholarship
  • Family Scholarship
  • Remote Education Scholarship
  • Graduate Re-admission Scholarship
  • etc
Scholarships Offered by External Organizations Government scholarships (Korea Student Aid Foundation)
Contact info
Tel E-mail KakaoTalk
+82-2-2173-2580 ipsi@cufs.ac.kr @cufs

107 IMUN-RO, DONGDAEMUN-GU, SEOUL, 02450, KOREA TEL : 82-2-2173-2580
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